PRSE & Ryan Buell are hosting a special six-week interactive course that focuses on paranormal experiences. In addition to lectures, participants will be divided into smaller discussion groups to share and explore their experiences (if they want to).
Having a paranormal experience can often be life-changing. It doesn’t matter if it’s a violent haunting, a visitation from a loved one or due to having an attachment. Oftentimes, people are left feeling alone or isolated while they try to make sense of their experiences. Some may not have had an experience themselves, but have a loved one who is having an experience, and they feel unsure of how to support them.
This series will explore various paranormal experiences, including visitations, hauntings, psychic experiences/development, curses and more. The series will also explore the “Law of Attraction” theory by Ed & Lorraine Warren, where individuals may attract certain energies/phenomenon. Additionally, this series will focus on exploring the emotional, physical and existential impact paranormal experiences can have on the individuals who experience them.
Buell (and some special guests) will offer six live meetings (held over Zoom) to explore specific themes pertaining to paranormal experiences. This course will be broken into two segments: lecture/discussion and then group breakouts. During the group breakouts, participants will get a chance to openly share their experiences with the group in order to explore certain themes that are common with hauntings, visitations and psychic phenomenon.
The goal is to foster community development and discussion, while also providing education from paranormal research over the last century.
This webinar series is geared towards anyone who is interested in the paranormal. You do not need to have had a paranormal experience and you do not have to share your experiences if you do not want to.
This course is interactive: We will create bonfire discussion groups, where the participants will be divided into smaller groups for breakout meetings. This will allow for everyone to have a more intimate experience during the discussion times. Additionally, during the “lecture” parts of the webinar, individuals will be able to ask questions during the seminar.
Afraid of missing a class? Don’t be: Every live class will be recorded and available for viewing until the end of February 2024..
Lecture content on paranormal experiences.
Ryan will devote two-three classes to lecture content, which will be broken down to cover the following topics:
Topics Covered in Lectures: the theory of the “Law of Attraction,” attachment-style hauntings, visitations from loved ones, curses, psychic attack, trauma from paranormal experiences, emotional impact of paranormal experiences, healing from paranormal experiences.
Topics to be covered during Group Discussions: impact of paranormal experiences, isolation, family and relationship issues, questioning religion/God/afterlife, fear, trauma, psychic development and making sense of paranormal experiences.
Completely Interactive.
Participants will sign up and be added to the course page on The PRS Bureau app on November 25th. There, participants will get to introduce themselves and get to know other attendees.
Taught via Zoom. Most of us have become completely familiar with Zoom, thanks to COVID. Attendees will get to log in and watch the course anywhere around the world via their computer or smart phone.
Can’t make a live class? Watch it on demand. Even though the classes are live, if you have to miss a class, don’t worry! They will be available to watch the next day via a secure recording. They’ll be available for viewing until the end of November, so you’ll be able to properly view them on your schedule.
Breakout Rooms. What’s unique about this webinar series is that there will be breakout discussion groups in order to share experiences with the group. Participants will be invited to fill out an experiences form in December if they wish to volunteer and share their experiences. Remember, you do NOT have to share if you do not want to.
Be a part of a safe space with like-minded people!
Most people feel that they feel they can’t talk about the paranormal with their friends and family. With this course, and The PRS Bureau social community, you’ll be able to share your experiences and ask questions in a safe space.
Come to Learn. Although Ryan doesn’t claim to be a definitive expert of the paranormal, he does have a couple of decades of experience working in this field. He will share with you what he’s encountered and learned along the way, and welcomes your experiences too!
Ask questions and share your experiences. We thrive on creating intimate spaces so people can get to know one another. We will do everything we can to ensure that it is a safe space. We won’t judge nor will be condone bullying. We like to promote a space where people can share their thoughts and experiences, in the hopes people may learn something along the way.