PRSE and Ryan Buell will be opening up the PRS case files in order to educate others about the art of paranormal investigation.


PRS and Ryan Buell are excited to announce the webinar course, “Paranormal Investigations.” This 5-part educational series (along with supplemental materials) will explore how to conduct paranormal investigations. Portions of the materials come from PRS’ very own course that it uses to train investigators. Whether you are an experienced paranormal investigator, a novice or are simply curious about the paranormal, we made this webinar for you!

We will explore theories as to why paranormal hauntings occur, covering three specific areas: spirit hauntings, the demonic and psychokinetic manifestations (PK/psychic/poltergeist). We will use PRS case files (both private and cases filmed for “Paranormal State”) as case studies to examine as we explore these important themes: how do hauntings occur, how do they manifest, how they impact our lives/psychology and how hauntings often disrupt/tear at family relationships.

Additionally, we will cover investigation techniques used to investigate and help people who are haunted, which include: gathering information, looking for patterns, historical research, interviewing techniques and identifying types of phenomenon.

Lastly, we will explore techniques to help those who are haunted, which include utilizing psychics, protection/boundaries for investigators and more. We will also discuss how and when to bring in outside resources (such as priests, counselors, etc).

This webinar series is geared towards anyone who is interested in the paranormal. You can be experienced or have no experience.

This course will provide supplemental materials: In addition to the five live courses, there will be supplemental interviews and documents reviewable at your own pace.

Afraid of missing a class? Don’t be: Every live class will be recorded and available for viewing until December 2024..


Topics to be covered in the webinar series.

Theory: why hauntings occur, how hauntings evolve and manifest, why certain people are targeted, types of hauntings (spirit, demonic and PK), impact hauntings have on people.

Investigation: criteria for selecting a case, preparing for a case, working on residential cases, helping families/people, documentation and evidence collection, subjective evidence, interviewing and helping people. Also includes consulting with outside resources and boundaries/protection for investigators.

Completely Interactive.

Participants will sign up and be added to the course page on The PRS Bureau app on May 3rd. There, participants will get to introduce themselves and get to know other attendees.

Taught via Zoom. Most of us have become completely familiar with Zoom, thanks to COVID. Attendees will get to log in and watch the course anywhere around the world via their computer or smart phone.

Can’t make a live class? Watch it on demand. Even though the classes are live, if you have to miss a class, don’t worry! They will be available to watch the next day via a secure recording. They’ll be available for viewing until the end of November, so you’ll be able to properly view them on your schedule.

Learn more about the paranormal and how hauntings can impact people.

Whenever we create a webinar, we make sure it appeals to everyone, whether you’re a novice, experienced or just curious.

Come to Learn. Although Ryan doesn’t claim to be a definitive expert of the paranormal, he does have a couple of decades of experience working in this field. He will share with you what he’s encountered and learned along the way, and welcomes your experiences too!

PRS Documents. We will be releasing versions of documents we have used to assist us in investigating the paranormal for the past two decades.



Class 1: Friday, May 10th, 2024

8:30pm - 10:30pm EST

Theory: why hauntings occur, how hauntings manifest, types of hauntings (spirit, demonic & PK), why some are targeted.

Class 2: Friday, May 24th, 2024

8:30pm - 10:30pm EST

Theory: case studies from PRS involving Incubus, spirit attachment, demonic infestations, PK phenomenon. More about types of hauntings. Impact hauntings have on people.

Class 3: Friday, May 31st, 2024

8:30pm - 10:30pm est:

Investigation: preparing for an investigation, working with clients vs. locations, forming an investigation plan, group roles, documentation, historical research.

Class 4: Friday, June 14th, 2024

8:30pm - 10:30pm EST

Investigation: helping families, intervention strategies, interviewing, covert evidence, team building (encouragement, checking in with team members), working/dealing with trauma.

Class 5: Friday, June 21st, 2024

8:30pm - 10:30pm EST

Helping: working/dealing with trauma, consulting with outside experts, working with psychics, religious interventions, boundaries/protection for investigators.





- Admittance into course page on The PRS Bureau

- Admittance into all five live classes.

- Access to recorded classes until December 31st, 2024.

- Access to bonus materials (to be listed on the course page).


Access to the course

In order to access the course page, you will need to create an account on The PRS Bureau ( .

On May 3rd, you will be given access to the course page. You will also be e-mailed instructions on how to create an account (if you haven’t already created a PRS Bureau account).

You will also need to use Zoom in order to participate in the live classes. It is highly suggested you download zoom on your computer or the Zoom app on your phone a few days before the first class.


Frequently Asked Questions

email us at for questions


I already took the Spirit & Demonic Investigations webinar. Is this the same thing?

No. This web series focuses on the paranormal in a different way (investigating, exploring and helping/protecting). Although some subjects will appear similar, we are using new materials to explore through the content, including case studies.

Is this course offering certification for investigation?

No. We do not offer any certification. Nor is the purpose of this course geared towards providing anyone with “credentials.” This is an educational and informative course, where we pull from our own experiences and share that experience with you.

I'm not an experienced paranormal investigator.  Is this for me?

You do not need to be an experienced investigator to enjoy this course. However, if you are an investigator, you will also (hopefully) learn a lot!

I'm really shy. Do I have to participate or have my webcam on for the class?

We understand. You do NOT have to participate and you do NOT have to have your webcam on. If you are uncomfortable sharing your voice, you can also discuss or ask questions in the live chat box.

Will there be time for questions?

We will reserve the last 15-20 minutes for questions.

How scary will the content be?

Some content/topics may be considered scary. Content-wise, consider this course to be a hard PG-13. There will be some heavy topics covered (including sexuality, violence, religious trauma, profane language).


The Fine Print

email us at PRSHAUNTEDEVENTS@GMAIL.COM for questions


Is there an age limit?

All participants must be at least 16 years of age AND parent/guardian must agree to allowing you to view the course. Parents/guardians should notify PRSE ahead of time that a minor will be attending the class to get clearance.


What is your Refund Policy?

All tickets are non-refundable except as provided below.

A refund will be issued if PRS, in its sole discretion, cancels the event due to unforeseen circumstances. PRS is not responsible for any further expenses, losses, or liability incurred by the participant due to cancellation of the event.

A credit towards a future PRS event in the amount of the ticket value will be issued if the event is postponed due to unforeseen circumstances OR on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of PRS if the participant is unable to attend an event due to an unforeseen illness or family emergency. Under any of the above circumstances, PRS shall issue a voucher which can be redeemed as credit towards a future PRS event. PRS reserves the right to cancel this policy at any time without advance notice. PRS is not responsible for any further expenses, losses, or liability incurred by the participant due to postponement of the field trip or the participant’s inability to attend the event.

Can I transfer my ticket to someone else?

Tickets are only transferable to another participant if the following conditions are met:

1.The original ticket purchaser notifies PRS within 24 hours of the transfer of the name and contact information of the transferee; AND

2.PRS, in its sole discretion, approves the transferee to participate in writing; AND

3.The transferee signs the Anticipatory Waiver of and Release from Liability document; AND

4.The transferee accepts the within terms.

Failure to follow the above conditions relating to transferability renders the ticket voidable.

If you have any other additional questions, please e-mail us at