PRSE & Ryan Buell are hosting a special, four-night haunted webinar this October! Join Ryan as he talks about spirit communication, investigations, the psychology of the spirit and demonic investigations!
This October, Ryan Buell will offer four live classes (held over Zoom) to share his knowledge and experience about spiritual and demonic hauntings. Having investigated for over 20 years, Ryan has experienced a variety of different hauntings and has worked on a number of demonic cases.
During the course, Ryan will provide an overview of spiritual hauntings, including summaries of famous haunts, spirit communication techniques, types of spiritual hauntings, psychic communication and evidence collection. He will also go over some of the theories pertaining to the psychology of the spirit-mind for investigators to consider.
Ryan will also go in-depth about demonic hauntings. He will talk about the signs of possession, his work on demonic cases, exorcisms as well as proper ways to investigate a demonic infestation.
This course is geared towards those that are curious about the paranormal, as well as those who are actively investigating the paranormal!
This course is interactive: This means that you will be able to virtually raise your hand to ask questions or share your stories.
Afraid of missing a class? Don’t be: Every live class will be recorded and available for viewing until the end of November.
Additional material: On top of the live presentations, Ryan will offer some bonus materials and resources for people to help them with their paranormal exploration, including interviewing templates and more!
Two lectures on spirit investigations and two lectures on the demonic.
Ryan will devote two classes to each topic, with plenty of time for live questions and answers. Whether you’re a novice, curious or a full-blown paranormal investigator, this course will have something for everyone.
Topics Covered in Spirit Investigations: an overview and brief history of ghosts/spirits. Types of hauntings. Methods to improve communication with spirits. Psychic investigations. Proper methods for investigating a haunting. The psychology of the spirit. Interviewing clients/witnesses. An overview of spirit removal/cleansings.
Topics Covered in Demonic Hauntings: an overview of Judeo-Christian demonology. The stages of demonic possession. Exorcism. Signs of a demonic presence. Investigating the demonic. An overview on protection. Tips and guidelines for investigating demonic cases.
Completely Interactive.
Participants will sign up and be added to the course page on The PRS Bureau app on October 4th. There, participants will get to introduce themselves and get to know other attendees.
Taught via Zoom. Most of us have become completely familiar with Zoom, thanks to COVID. Attendees will get to log in and watch the course anywhere around the world via their computer or smart phone.
Can’t make a live class? Watch it on demand. Even though the classes are live, if you have to miss a class, don’t worry! They will be available to watch the next day via a secure recording. They’ll be available for viewing until the end of November, so you’ll be able to properly view them on your schedule.
Discussions. Even though Ryan will be lecturing for a chunk of the course, attendees will be able to ask questions in the chat, or ask Ryan questions live over video throughout the course.
You’ll also be able to share your thoughts on the materials, too! There will be a private section for attendees to post about the course on The PRS Bureau app.
Be a part of a safe space with like-minded people!
Most people feel that they feel they can’t talk about the paranormal with their friends and family. With this course, and The PRS Bureau social community, you’ll be able to share your experiences and ask questions in a safe space.
Come to Learn. Although Ryan doesn’t claim to be a definitive expert of the paranormal, he does have a couple of decades of experience working in this field. He will share with you what he’s encountered and learned along the way, and welcomes your experiences too!
Ask questions and share your experiences. We thrive on creating intimate spaces so people can get to know one another. We will do everything we can to ensure that it is a safe space. We won’t judge nor will be condone bullying. We like to promote a space where people can share their thoughts and experiences, in the hopes people may learn something along the way.